How do You cut an Asphalt Driveway With a Circular Saw?
Asphalt is a road used by motorists and cyclists every day. It is also used as a sidewalk. Approximately 94% of the United States is covered with asphalt. It is a mixture of special cemented asphalt compared with other additives, such as fine sand, silt sand, and some rocks of different diameters. The use of these types of rocks depends on the area where they can be used for a long time.
The process of manufacturing asphalt on an industrial basis is very long. Big stones are first crushed into small stones with a certain diameter. This process is carried out 3 times until finer rocks are obtained. Crude oil is extracted from the asphalt because it is not based on tar. This mixture is used as a carpet that is placed on the ground. The aggregates used to produce asphalt have different characteristics.
Asphalt also has a life span. It will live no longer if the circumstances are against it. There are some regions where the temperature is high in the summer. The increase in the temperature makes the bonding of asphalt weak and its surface cracks up. Due to heavy rain, excessive water stays on the road for a long time. It also affects the bonding ability and makes potholes on the road.
Cutting Asphalt with Circular Saw
There are many methods of cutting asphalt. We can use Asphalt Blade for cutting it down which is manufactured with a special process and easy to use. There are different categories of these blades and every blade is used for the specific type of asphalt. All these blades work only if they are installed in the machines. There is a machine named a circular saw which is also used for cutting concrete slabs and asphalt.
A Circular saw is a machine that is used for cutting hard materials and it is made with a special shape. The part where we put any kind of blade is half covered from the upper side which is good for safety as well as preventing dust to go straight into your eyes. The task of cutting asphalt is based on different steps either it is done by machine or by hand. For cutting asphalt with circular there is a need to follow some steps. The steps for cutting asphalt with easy and fast way are as follow:
Step 1
For cutting applications, there is a need to have a clean surface so that we can see the crack easily. For that purpose use a brush or a swiping tool for cleaning that specific area. Once the area is cleaned then all the cracks will be visible and we can easily see that which area is to be cut down. If there are potholes then only swipe the surroundings of that hole just to mark.
Step 2
Once the process of swiping is done then use high color chalk or crayon to mark that area that is supposed to be cut down. If you want to cut down a certain damaged area then mark those but if there is a need for the reconstruction of the whole driveway then there is no need for marking. For the potholes make the shape of a cube in marking around it.
Step 3
Take a circular saw and install a diamond blade in it. The purpose of using a diamond blade has a reason. The edges of diamond blades are segmented with a tiny diamond which is good for the cutting of asphalt. Turn on your machine and cut through the line that you have drawn for cutting. Use the specific type of blade regarding the quality of asphalt.
Step 4
When the marked area is cut down then there is a need to lift that part. If you want to grind 8t down then use a hammer to break these parts into small parts. If you want to lift the whole part then use a shovel to lift it. Lifting with a shovel is an easy process. It does not require your strength to break the asphalt into pieces and also time-saving. So it is up to you that which option suits you best.
Step 5
If you want to grind the asphalt and do not want to lift it then follow the above steps but stead of lifting it with the help of a shovel, use a jackhammer to crush the larger part into smaller pieces.
Follow all the above steps for the cutting of asphalt. All these steps are easy to use and follow. There are also other methods of cutting asphalt with Asphalt Blade which is a dry and wet method. Use a wet method of cutting if you want to save time and increase the life expectancy of your blade. Once you follow all the above steps then you can rebuild or reconstruct the damaged area of your roadways and sidewalks.